Friday, September 9, 2011

a new beginning perhaps

salam. i guess next monday will mark a new beginning, a new phase, a new challenge. the right word 'kerja'. i went for an interview this morning. didn't expect anything but the firm agreed to hire me on immediate basis. not a big firm but biiznillah, im praying to Him please give me the strength to work because of Him. not because of people or entitlement or anything else. what more can i say, Allah knows best.

sangat berharap i wont go astray, tak lalai dalam solat dan dakwah :) dan berharap kerja ini salah satu wasilah untuk memantapkan dakwah dan tarbiyyah insyaAllah. itu niat saya, dan saya berharap Allah tunjukkan yang terbaik. tadi, a guy dekat office tu, tak pergi solaat jumaat. aiyaaa. you work hard, earn money, Allah bagi rezeki but you forget to praise and be thankful to Allah. what a shame kan.