to understand is not to justify. to understand is to put yourself in their shoes, to comprehend what they have been, through thick and thin and to have a sense of empathy and not to judge when you know nothing. but when we start justifying and making assumptions thats the end of that. because i cant put myself to fancy people who loves making assumptions about something they barely know. and on top of that, please-lah do some homework before-hand, sebelum tulis atau say something. dont simply suka hati ikut cakap rasa, nanti binasa kan.
have a blessed weekend ya. i myself masih mencari kekuatan nak mula revise untuk coming paper. no, im not a worrier nor a warrior tp somone yang berjuang dalam medan perang nya sendiri. bak kata a friend of mine, setiap dari kita, ada perjuangan masing-masing. apa yang kita perjuangkan mungkin berbeza dari orang lain, kita tak boleh nak meletakkan satu garis ukur yang sama, untuk setiap orang. its unfair kan.