Sunday, February 19, 2012

my dream job

yup i know. it's been a long while. kinda busy with working life. ok another old excuse. my bad. :( next month, marks the 6th month saya bekerja. time flies and not to mention my younger sis is getting married soon. errr. if you think, i'm not ok, i'm ok. i am happy for her. well who does not.

sometimes, i terfikir-fikir how can someone spend their whole life working from morning to night. doing the same thing over and over again. frankly speaking, im getting bored. i love my job. but i guess, my passion is not here.


well the 'lrt' dah jadi loyal companion sadly it's kind of hard to see smiley faces in the morning. none !!!


my dream job would be, teaching. i love teaching so much, but i'll just have to wait a little bit before i can 'have' my dream job :).

bukan tak syukur, tapi ada perkara dalam kehidupan ini yang perlu kita lalui sebelum kita betul2 mampu. i always remind myself, jangan bandingkan kehidupan kita dengan orang kaya, sebab kita takkan pernah merasa cukup tp lihat kehidupan orang yg lebih susah dari kita, pasti tak terhitung nikmat Allah untuk kita. :)

selamat bekerja dengan ikhlas. tp hidup bukan untuk kerja, tp kerja itu jadikan satu ibadah dan jalan dlm mencari redhaNya. amin.